Aspects of divination on runes and Amount of runes in divination

It is not necessary to consider the process of divination on runes - this is the right question you wanted to answer. Using any question, you can ask any question, but it is very important to keep in mind that your own inner peace, reliability, settings and correct use. You are probably most focused on today, you want to put on jackets and under no circumstances deviate. All you need is to relax and immerse yourself in the world of magic. If you already knew, any magic does not tolerate an open station, just as runes do not like when you need to leave fools without asking questions. So ask what you see as the need to be concise, clear, and uncertain about runic Mary. Depending on how correct, this is your own result and the correct interpretation of the rune...

It doesn't matter how many runes you use in divination, in what schedule they stand and what runic prediction you practice. Whether it is divination on the rune of Odin's day or divination on the rune of love, you must reveal the essence of the issue as much as possible and then you will discover everything related to it in the past, you will see the state of events in the future and some clues about future solutions. advice. If you decide to guess, but not for yourself, then the person who wants to get an answer to a question must clearly repeat it for you, and he has the right not to voice certain names and titles. But it is more practical to give the right to ask questions to a person personally. As a result, such a process can be both positive and negative. Interpretation of the meaning of runes depends entirely on the correctness of the question.

All predictions in runic magic are made with the help of magical symbols - runes, runograms and runic calendar. But what are runograms and what is their purpose? Runograms are no less important in the process of divination, as well as the runes themselves. This is considered a runic inscription consisting of three or more runes and used to achieve this goal. Of course, you have to make a runic inscription yourself, based on your own knowledge and experience, because self-development to achieve your goal will be much more effective than copying from a book. Before applying the inscription you need to know exactly what you want and what result you want to get. Only after you have selected the necessary runes, decided with the desire, proceed directly to the application of the runic inscription. This can be done on parchment, wood or other material that you think is best suited for this. After that, it is necessary to consecrate the inscription, activate and hide from outsiders in some special, long-allotted storage (buried in the ground, burned, hidden in a chest, etc.).

Take, for example, a situation where you are a very talented person, but no one notices your work. And you need to create such an environment so that finally your work was rewarded. To do this, you need to choose the DAGAZ rune, which contributes to the new, the YERA rune, which is responsible for your growth in the field of activity, and the last, the FEHU rune, which will contribute to the reward you should receive for your work. As a result, the inscription has a very powerful energy force, which gradually leads you step by step to the goal. To consolidate the already obtained result, you need to add the rune OTAL and YARA, which will symbolize the reward for the fact that you put a lot and maximum effort. So, clearly define what you want to get, focus on the runes, their meanings, and start making a runic inscription. And there, the universe will do everything for you!

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