Preparation of materials for work and Carving and drawing of runes

Second stage - is preparation of materials for work. All collected stones should be thoroughly rinsed with water. In this way you cleanse yourself of possible negative energy. Next, you need to dry them well, it is desirable that it was a bright enough place with direct sunlight. Once your stones are completely dry, move on to the most important. The process itself consists of carving or carving on stone, but if you do not know how or do not know how to do it - no problem. It is enough to paint the symbols with paint, using paintbrushes, blue or birch enamel, enamel solvent, sticks, clear oil varnish and a piece of soft cloth. Only after you adjust and feel ready, get to work.

And the last, third stage - is direct carving or drawing of runes. Carefully apply clear varnish to each stone and wait until it is completely dry. After that, apply the contour of the rune with a pencil and apply enamel along the same contour. When painting each rune, you need to say aloud or about yourself the name of the rune, think about its meaning and about itself. Draw vertical lines from top to bottom, and diagonal - from left to right. One of the 25 runes remains empty because it is the Odin rune. Once your kit is dry, cover it with another coat of varnish and leave to dry for a day. After completing the whole process, hold all the runes in your hands. You have to feel their energy and trust your own feelings to understand and succeed in the process.

What are runes? What is their essence? Can divination by runes really affect my future? How to read the runes and is it possible to do it at home without going to fortune tellers? How to properly carry out the process of divination on the runes? This is certainly not all, but apparently one of the most popular and frequently asked questions that people who are either beginners or are simply interested in the magical world ask themselves and us. Therefore, if you visited our site, then you have come to the exact address, because here we will tell you all the secrets and reveal all the cards! In fact, if you delve into all this, then you will understand that the very process of fortune telling on the runes is very simple, at least this is how it looks from a technical point of view. Before you start the process of fortune-telling, you need to prepare a workplace for him. To do this, you will need a piece of plain, natural fabric and a set of runes. You place the canvas on the place where you are going to guess, in your right hand hold a bag or any other object in which you keep the symbols and clearly form the question that interests you most. You can read how to formulate a question and how to ask it on a separate page in a separate section of our website.

After you have prepared your workplace, lightly throw the runes onto the bed linen and wait a few minutes. The next step is to turn all the runes down with the side on which the symbols are depicted and with your right hand stir them clockwise until you yourself feel that it is time to stop. Having stopped, you stretch both hands over the runes within 5-7 centimeters with your palms down and prepare to choose one of them, while, without interrupting the process, close your eyes and ask Freya and Odin to reveal the meaning of the runes without any hidden meaning and tell them everything that they actually known. You will immediately feel a close connection with the runes. This will be your first decisive step into the world of magic. If you feel that nothing is happening and you do not feel the very contact with the runes, then do not rush to despair, because runic magic, like any other magic, requires trust in itself and does not tolerate neglect. You must be clearly attuned to this process, know the names, correctly understand each meaning of the runes, how you understand it, what meaning it can carry and show what kind of sensations this or that rune evokes in you. After you manage to establish a strong contact with them and you have received reliable information about the circumstances in which you are at the moment, and with the correct formulation of the question, their further development, then the fortune-telling process can be considered successful. Upon completion, be sure to put all the runes back in the bag and mix three times. If the result is unsuccessful and everything turns out to be unsuccessful, then the fortune-telling process is best postponed to another day or time when you are ready for this.

The practical part of runic magic is considered to be nothing more than making runic symbols, runograms, talismans, amulets and talismans. These are the first steps on the way to strong and energetic magic. Making a runic amulet, talisman or talisman is considered an integral part, because a properly made thing can greatly affect your life in a positive way. But you must remember that it is not the mascot itself that will protect you, but your strength and energy that you put there. This is the main point of concentration of your attention. It combines your spiritual world with the world of a cobweb-shaped mascot, as well as the runes you have chosen. There are many notions of what a runic talisman, amulet or amulet is, but by general definition it is nothing more than a small object of various shapes in the form of jewelry, which is empowered to protect you from bad people, curses and help emphasize certain character traits. and positively influence their development. The main condition for creating a runic amulet, talisman or amulet is the presence of harmony in it, the ratio of runes, compliance with a certain shape and balance. When creating such a thing, you should be as focused and positive as possible, because your energy, whether positive or negative, fully affects your work result.

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