Runic Magic or Magic of runes

Runic magic is still a completely unsolved mystery of the world, but people who have previously been interested in this area are well aware that runic writing has two main aspects of development: the emergence of the runic alphabet and the runes themselves, as a set of elements that have certain magical properties. Amulets, talismans, charms, spells, horoscopes and predictions are nothing but various, practical applications and manifestations of runic magic. Following the northern legends of our ancestors, there are 24 types of runes, each of which is considered sacred. Runes have a natural ability to combine people with the higher forces of the world of the northern gods and represent one or another sacred magical symbol. Runic magic should not be underestimated, because it is not just an opportunity to make a runic mascot, guess the runes or influence your own destiny, but also to suggest and show ways for its positive changes.

All the possible mysteries, which are laid out in combinations of elegant and simple runic drawings, originate from the Great Sacraments. All 24 runic signs together with their capabilities, connections and strength together are combined into an active and very powerful magical system. In ancient times, among the northern tribes, the art of interpreting runes and runic literacy was not possessed by all, but both women and men were equal. And real experts were shamans and doctors who held a special, high position in society, differed in manners, clothing, special attitude of community members and were engaged in making runic amulets, setting runograms, predicting the future, educating young people and treating diseases.

The emergence of runes and the runic alphabet

The most ancient inscriptions that have survived to the present day are inscriptions from the II-III century AD, which are a set of various symbols. Deeper origins are undoubtedly those that appeared earlier in the form in which we can see them now and which are called runes. Due to the rapid development of various historical events, runic inscriptions, which originate from the Druid priests, began to pass from one tribe to another, in particular, to the Germans, Slavs, Scandinavians and others. Most often such inscriptions were observed in caves of the Bronze Age. The first finds in the form of a pre-runic image were recorded by historians and archaeologists in Norway. Of course, all these ancient runic symbols were endowed with a certain magical meaning and power and are intended for a certain kind of their use, but most often in order to predict what man himself is not able to know - the future. There are already a number of concepts that become the name of runes, but reliable and clear information about how it really is still not there and we can only guess and make our own assumptions.

Further development of runic symbols

The appearance of the first alphabet, which consisted of a certain number of characters, was called the rune alphabet and was observed in ancient peoples. In them, carving or carving a letter sign was considered the main form of writing. Most of this was done on stones, bones or trees. As for the runic script or its ornament, it is known that it played no less important role. As a rule, it was customary to decorate almost all household items, including clothing and weapons. The runes themselves were written oaths on the doors of ships, houses, which later developed in the form of a separate kind of existence, such as divination. Further development of runic symbols was observed in the manufacture of talismans, amulets, talismans of our ancestors and even jewelry in everyday life everywhere. Today, the question of in-depth study of the origin and origin of runes, the runic alphabet is dealt with by many scientists, historians, archaeologists, which has provoked differences and even false theories. Some believe that as a system of writing, the runes are very relevant to Cretan culture, but the other part is convinced that the runes still belong to the Etruscan, Northern Italian theory.

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