The ratio of runic and zodiacal horoscope and Runic astrology

Horoscopes are probably a long-known and still interesting topic. A person who has encountered runic magic at least once has probably wondered more than once whether it is possible to make a runic horoscope? How to do it and is it possible with the help of runes? But most importantly: is it possible to somehow compare the runic horoscope with the horoscope by zodiac signs? The answer to this question, of course, will be positive, but you can read about it below. Along with these questions there are a number of others. As we already know, there is the concept of astrology, but then the opposite question arises: is there a concept of runic astrology? So let's find out! From the studied sources we know that runic magic consists of two main parts. The first part is the creation and further development of the alphabet as a transmission of written information. And the second, no less important, is the runes themselves, which number 25 species and are very relevant to our topic, because each of these 25 runes has a powerful, energetic and magical value. And this is a direct connection with the astrology of runes.

Runic magic is a great potential, not just an opportunity to have fun, make an amulet or divination on runes. One should always know and remember that each rune has its own name, its own meaning and is interpreted differently both in divination and in astrological runic practices. This is the basis of an ancient and extremely powerful beginning. Runic astrology is closely related to the basics of classical astrology. In it, as in the classic, your date of birth plays a very important role, namely: the day to which the corresponding rune belongs, the rune of the year - the patroness of the year and the rune of the hour and minute of birth. A leading rune is added to your classic zodiac sign, which has a certain influence. A similar direction also exists when compiling a runic calendar, which you can read more about on the page of our site in a separate section dedicated to this issue.

Up to date, there is no reliable data on the use of runes as numbers, which is confirmed historically. In ancient times, the numerical meaning of runic inscriptions was always indicated by words. However, this does not mean that such a concept did not exist at all. In fact, knowledge of numbers was somewhat different from that used on a daily basis and had domestic and practical significance. Therefore, it should be noted that numerical values ??in the world of runic magic played an important role and were an integral part of runic traditions. The whole runic system is based on a numerical basis. It clearly reflects the specific prime numbers, which are key in nature. This is the number 3 and all its derivatives, which reflect a certain point of runic practice. All runic symbols have a conditional number assigned to them. You need skills in runic practice to perform the process of divination, while being able to interpret the name and content of runes, as well as feel their energy vibration.

The runic calendar, or in other words the "eternal calendar," is like a separate culture that differs from others by its internal features. According to various sources, the runic calendar originated in the III-IV century BC, and possibly even later among the Scandinavian tribes. Since ancient times, ancient tribes have used the calendar to keep track of time and holiday events. Most often, the runic calendar could be found in the form of a stick about a meter and a half long, no longer, in a special form. It was also often written on paper or carved on natural materials such as stones, leather or wood. The calendar was based on a metonic cycle, which included about 19 years and the Sun and Moon. The whole calendar contained several horizontal lines, which were marked by the runes themselves according to the rule of repetition of seven runes in order to mark the current day. To determine the year in the calendar, the people also used the same rule of repetition, but with nineteen runic symbols, or as they were called "golden numbers". The numeric value of each runic symbol in the calendar is indicated in alphabetical order. As for the order of determining the holidays, they were defined differently in each tribe, because they were also celebrated differently, and which in turn provoked certain differences. However, natural events and periods had their own order and were clearly defined by the runic tradition. That is why it was believed that the holidays in the calendar should be recorded in accordance with the signs associated with a particular holiday and marked with special signs.

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