Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The ratio of runic and zodiacal horoscope

Horoscopes are probably a long-known and still interesting topic. A person who has encountered runic magic at least once has probably wondered more than once whether it is possible to make a runic horoscope? How to do it and is it possible with the help of runes? But most importantly: is it possible to somehow compare the runic horoscope with the horoscope by zodiac signs? The answer to this question, of course, will be positive, but you can read about it below. Along with these questions there are a number of others. As we already know, there is the concept of astrology, but then the opposite question arises: is there a concept of runic astrology? So let's find out! From the studied sources we know that runic magic consists of two main parts. The first part is the creation and further development of the alphabet as a transmission of written information. And the second, no less important, is the runes themselves, which number 25 species and are very relevant to our topic, because each of these 25 runes has a powerful, energetic and magical value. And this is a direct connection with the astrology of runes.

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