Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The value of the runogram

All predictions in runic magic are made with the help of magical symbols - runes, runograms and runic calendar. But what are runograms and what is their purpose? Runograms are no less important in the process of divination, as well as the runes themselves. This is considered a runic inscription consisting of three or more runes and used to achieve this goal. Of course, you have to make a runic inscription yourself, based on your own knowledge and experience, because self-development to achieve your goal will be much more effective than copying from a book. Before applying the inscription you need to know exactly what you want and what result you want to get. Only after you have selected the necessary runes, decided with the desire, proceed directly to the application of the runic inscription. This can be done on parchment, wood or other material that you think is best suited for this. After that, it is necessary to consecrate the inscription, activate and hide from outsiders in some special, long-allotted storage (buried in the ground, burned, hidden in a chest, etc.).

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