Thursday, February 11, 2021


For the rune ALGIZ (ALGIS), 4 aspects of human existence are very important: body, mind, soul and spirit. She is a protector of your feelings and helps to regain lost relationships with people, despite your negative traits. To really take possession of the protection that the rune ALGIZ (ALGIS) can give you, you should first find harmony with your inner world. Be more sensual, expand your thinking circle, and try to find other ways to overcome life's adversity. The ALGIZ rune, which fell out in fortune-telling in the literal sense, requires you to adapt to everything that is happening now in your life, the ability to understand and analyze, as well as the ability to listen and trust your own intuition.

In runic inscriptions, the rune ALGIZ (ALGIS) is used to protect against everything evil and for health, so that you have enough energy and strength in life and success follows your legs. Rune ALGIZ (ALGIS) - a protective rune, which is firmly associated with the god Heimdall.

Interpretation and meaning of the ALGIZ rune in divination.

What does the ALGIZ rune mean, which fell during the divination ritual on the rune of the day?

Runa ALGIZ is a symbol of powerful protection. She was often depicted on weapons, which testified to safety in battles and achievement of victory. 

The rune ALGIZ (ALGIS) in the direct meaning of runic fortune-telling is a very positive and favorable sign, it says that any unpleasant coincidence of circumstances will pass you by without causing harm. According to its properties, this rune has a very strong internal energy, the energy of protection, which in turn suggests that you are the object of its protection and are under the auspices of higher and unknown forces. Whatever life prepares for you, you will be protected from it or will be informed about it in advance.


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