Thursday, February 11, 2021


For the rune ALGIZ (ALGIS), 4 aspects of human existence are very important: body, mind, soul and spirit. She is a protector of your feelings and helps to regain lost relationships with people, despite your negative traits. To really take possession of the protection that the rune ALGIZ (ALGIS) can give you, you should first find harmony with your inner world. Be more sensual, expand your thinking circle, and try to find other ways to overcome life's adversity. The ALGIZ rune, which fell out in fortune-telling in the literal sense, requires you to adapt to everything that is happening now in your life, the ability to understand and analyze, as well as the ability to listen and trust your own intuition.

In runic inscriptions, the rune ALGIZ (ALGIS) is used to protect against everything evil and for health, so that you have enough energy and strength in life and success follows your legs. Rune ALGIZ (ALGIS) - a protective rune, which is firmly associated with the god Heimdall.

Interpretation and meaning of the ALGIZ rune in divination.

What does the ALGIZ rune mean, which fell during the divination ritual on the rune of the day?

Runa ALGIZ is a symbol of powerful protection. She was often depicted on weapons, which testified to safety in battles and achievement of victory. 

The rune ALGIZ (ALGIS) in the direct meaning of runic fortune-telling is a very positive and favorable sign, it says that any unpleasant coincidence of circumstances will pass you by without causing harm. According to its properties, this rune has a very strong internal energy, the energy of protection, which in turn suggests that you are the object of its protection and are under the auspices of higher and unknown forces. Whatever life prepares for you, you will be protected from it or will be informed about it in advance.


Tuesday, February 9, 2021



Meaning of the rune ALGIZ (ALGIS)

The name of the rune is Algiz, English ALGIZ.

Dropped out in a rune layout in the literal sense of the rune Algiz (ALGIS) means that you are under God's protection.

Interpretation of the meaning of the rune Algiz (ALGIS) in the literal sense.

Runa Algiz (ALGIS) is considered not only a rune of protection, but also a sign of friendship, which is built on the principle of trusting each other. This is confirmed by the fact that this rune has the likeness of a person who calls the gods to him and turns to heaven. This bond closely binds the world of gods and people and testifies to their friendship. In this regard, the Algiz rune (ALGIS) is often compared to a bridge. Since the rune has extremely powerful strength and energy, it was depicted on weapons in order to be safe during the battle and get the desired victory.

You can use the Algiz rune (ALGIS) as a runic amulet, which will be for you a talisman of vitality and strength, will give you the ability to feel the arrival of danger and at the same time perform one of the most basic functions - your protection. Runa Algiz advises to be open to the world, trust your own voice and intuitio
n and find inner harmony with the universe. And only then the powerful energy given to you from above will be with you and will help you overcome all life's hardships.

RUNA Algis - the rune of change and caution.

Prospects are open to you, the time has come for success and inspiration, as well as a creative breakthrough. Higher powers go with you wherever you turn and help you in any endeavors. The work will open up many opportunities and offers that you can safely translate into reality. What about a new person in your environment? Be prepared to meet her and forge a lasting and selfless friendship. Rune ALGIZ (ALGIS) is your protective talisman in the fight against evil, curse, hostile rivets and wishes. At a particular moment, you may feel anxious. And not in vain, because problems still want to take over your life and success. In moments of joy, you may not pay attention to this, therefore, be vigilant and listen to your own intuition, because this is what will be your protection. Don't let thoughts cloud your mind and stray from the righteous path.

Also, the ALGIZ rune was compared to a bridge connecting the world of people with the world of the gods through the human form. According to legends, this man summoned the gods or was charged with their powerful energy.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Making a runic amulet, talisman, mascot

Going directly to the manufacture of runic mascot, make sure you choose the right runes. Whether such runes exist in nature and what is their true meaning. You can read detailed training on making runes in a separate section of our site, which will reveal this topic in detail. The amulet itself must be made of natural materials and such that it can be applied runes on both sides. Wood or stone is best for this, because finding such a material will be very simple and therefore easy to work on. Bone, metal, leather or paper can also be used as a material for a mascot. Having made such a talisman, use it exclusively for yourself! Using your mascot is dangerous for other people, because you are personally responsible for the impact it can have on another person. Usually, in order for the talisman to act with greater force, the values ??of several runes are used (more details in the section on runograms). Most often, such talismans, talismans and amulets can be found at home in the form of everyday objects.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Definition of the concept of a runic talisman, amulet, mascot

The practical part of runic magic is considered to be nothing more than making runic symbols, runograms, talismans, amulets and talismans. These are the first steps on the way to strong and energetic magic. Making a runic amulet, talisman or talisman is considered an integral part, because a properly made thing can greatly affect your life in a positive way. But you must remember that it is not the mascot itself that will protect you, but your strength and energy that you put there. This is the main point of concentration of your attention. It combines your spiritual world with the world of a cobweb-shaped mascot, as well as the runes you have chosen. There are many notions of what a runic talisman, amulet or amulet is, but by general definition it is nothing more than a small object of various shapes in the form of jewelry, which is empowered to protect you from bad people, curses and help emphasize certain character traits. and positively influence their development. The main condition for creating a runic amulet, talisman or amulet is the presence of harmony in it, the ratio of runes, compliance with a certain shape and balance. When creating such a thing, you should be as focused and positive as possible, because your energy, whether positive or negative, fully affects your work result.

Drawing up a runic inscription (example)

Take, for example, a situation where you are a very talented person, but no one notices your work. And you need to create such an environment so that finally your work was rewarded. To do this, you need to choose the DAGAZ rune, which contributes to the new, the YERA rune, which is responsible for your growth in the field of activity, and the last, the FEHU rune, which will contribute to the reward you should receive for your work. As a result, the inscription has a very powerful energy force, which gradually leads you step by step to the goal. To consolidate the already obtained result, you need to add the rune OTAL and YARA, which will symbolize the reward for the fact that you put a lot and maximum effort. So, clearly define what you want to get, focus on the runes, their meanings, and start making a runic inscription. And there, the universe will do everything for you!

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The value of the runogram

All predictions in runic magic are made with the help of magical symbols - runes, runograms and runic calendar. But what are runograms and what is their purpose? Runograms are no less important in the process of divination, as well as the runes themselves. This is considered a runic inscription consisting of three or more runes and used to achieve this goal. Of course, you have to make a runic inscription yourself, based on your own knowledge and experience, because self-development to achieve your goal will be much more effective than copying from a book. Before applying the inscription you need to know exactly what you want and what result you want to get. Only after you have selected the necessary runes, decided with the desire, proceed directly to the application of the runic inscription. This can be done on parchment, wood or other material that you think is best suited for this. After that, it is necessary to consecrate the inscription, activate and hide from outsiders in some special, long-allotted storage (buried in the ground, burned, hidden in a chest, etc.).

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Influence of runes

Date of Sunday and time of your birth (determine two more runes of influence): Influence date / hour Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday. 0-1 Otila-Uruz Turisaz -Uruz Raido -Uruz Laguz -Uruz Uruz -Uruz Ansuz -Uruz Inguz -Uruz. 1-2 Otila - Turisaz Turisaz - Turisaz Raido - Turisaz Kano - Turisaz Uruz - Turisaz Ansuz - Turisaz Ingus - Turisaz. 2-3 Otila-Ansuz Hagalaz -Ansuz Raido -Ansuz Kano -Ansuz Uruz -Ansuz Ansuz -Ansuz Ingus -Ansuz. 3-4 Evaz -Raido Hagalaz -Raido Raido -Raido Kano -Raido Uruz -Raido Ansuz -Raido Ingusheta -Raido. 4-5 Evaz -Kano Hagalaz -Kano Gebo -Kano Kano -Kano Uruz -Kano Ansuz -Kano Inguz -Kano. 5-6 Evaz-Gebo Hagalaz -Gebo Gebo -Gebo Kano -Gebo Uruz -Gebo Ansuz -Gebo Soul -Gebo. 6-7 Evaz-Vunyo Hagalaz -Vunyo Gebo -Vunyo Kano -Vunyo Vunyo -Vunyo Isa -Vunyo Soul -Vunyo. 7-8 Evaz-Hagalaz Hagalaz -Hagalaz Gebo -Hagalaz Perth -Hagalaz Vunyo -Hagalaz Isa -Hagalaz Soul -Hagalaz. 8-9 Evaz-Nautiz Nautiz -Nautiz Gebo -Nautiz Perth -Nautiz Vunyo -Nautiz Isa -Nautiz Soul -Nautiz. 9-10 Evaz-Isa Nautiz -Isa Gebo -Isa Perth -Isa Vunyo -Isa Isa -Isa Soul -Isa. 10-11 Evaz-Yera Nautiz -Yera Yera -Yera Perth -Yera Vunyo -Yera Isa -Yera Soul -Yera. 11-12 Evaz-Perth Nautiz -Pert Yera -Pert Perth -Pert Vunyo -Pert Isa -Pert Soul -Pert. 12-13 Evaz- Eyvaz Nautiz -Eyvaz Yera -Eyvaz Perth -Eyvaz Fehu -Eyvaz Eyvaz -Eyvaz Soul -Eyvaz. 13-14 Evaz-Algiz Nautiz -Algiz Yera -Algiz Algiz -Algiz Manaz -Algiz Eyvaz -Algiz Soul -Algiz. 14-15 Evaz-Soul Teivaz -Soul Yera -Soul Algiz -Soul Manaz -Soul Eyvaz -Soul Soul -Soul. 15-16 Otila -Teyvaz Teyvaz -Teyvaz Yera -Teyvaz Algiz -Teyvaz Manaz -Teyvaz Eyvaz -Teyvaz Soul -Teyvaz. 16-17 Otila - Berkano Teivaz - Berkano Berkano - Berkano Algiz - Berkano Manaz - Berkano Eivaz - Berkano Soul - Berkano. 17-18 Otila - Evaz Teivaz - Evaz Berkano - Evaz Algiz - Evaz Manaz - Evaz Eivaz - Evaz Inguz - Evaz. 18-19 Otila-Manaz Teyvaz -Manaz Berkano -Manaz Algiz -Manaz Manaz -Manaz Dagaz -Manaz Ingus -Manaz. 19-20 Otila-Laguz Teivaz -Laguz Berkano -Laguz Laguz -Laguz Fehu -Laguz Dagaz -Laguz Inguz -Laguz. 20-21 Otila-Inguz Turisaz -Inguz Berkano -Inguz Laguz -Inguz Fehu -Inguz Dagaz -Inguz Ingus -Inguz. 21-22 Otila- Otila Turisaz - Otila Berkano - Otila Laguz - Otila Fehu - Otila Dagaz - Otila Ingus - Otila. 22-23 Otila-Dagaz Turisaz -Dagaz Raido -Dagaz Laguz -Dagaz Fehu -Dagaz Dagaz -Dagaz Ingus -Dagas. 23-24 Otila-Fehu Turisaz -Fehu Raido -Fehu Laguz -Fehu Fehu -Fehu Dagaz -Fehu Ingus -Feh

Monday, September 28, 2020


July 8 - July 23. OTILA - ancestral rune. Ancestor experience will give you an idea of ??where to go and what to do next. But in today's world, old hardening doesn't always help. July 24 - August 8. YERA is a rune of diligence and harvest. You know how to manage your time and know when and what to start. Minus - you are too pedantic. August 9 - August 23. BERKANA is a rune of femininity, development and growth. There are no side effects. August 24 - September 8. WOOL - a rune of happiness and relaxation. Everything is in your favor. You do everything with ease. The downside is extra optimism and windiness. September 9 - September 23. MANAZ - rune "I". Gives you the opportunity to better understand yourself and your politics of life. Minus - a tendency to selfishness. September 24 - October 8. KANO is a rune of clarity and fire. You are a completely creative person. You see everything without pink glasses, of course, so it really is. On the other hand, it will lead you to excessive initiative and curiosity. October 9 - October 22. PERT - a rune of the search for secrets. It will help you in your search for treasures and new discoveries. The downside is the increased sexual level.

Friday, September 25, 2020


April 7 - April 21. TEYVAZ is a rune of social victories and justice. Allows you to go beyond what is allowed and get the desired result. To achieve what you want, you have to give up something every time. April 22 - May 7. FEHU - a rune of career heights and wealth. Gives new strength and knowledge, but can lead to ingratitude and eternal concern. May 8 - May 21. URUZ is a rune of strength. Gives a lot of physical strength and makes a person more assertive and sometimes stubborn. May 22 - June 6. RAIDO is a rune of travel. I see the goal - I see no obstacles! Makes you too focused. You can easily forget about more important things, including family, about yourself, etc .. June 7 - June 22. GEBO is a rune of communication and idyll. Helps you connect with people faster than others. The downside - in the pursuit of helping others you lose yourself. June 23 - July 7. EVAZ is a rune of rapid progression. Provides opportunities and prospects to achieve your goals, taking into account your resources and capabilities. Minus - you will act like a tyrant, as if others are not affected.


December 23 - January 7. ISA - a rune of cold, foot and concentration. Helps you not to go beyond reason, keep calm, be restrained in your feelings and actions and helps to avoid conflicts with other people. Can't wait. Everything that has stopped is considered lost. January 8 - January 21. EYVAZ - rune of reincarnation. Gives you the opportunity to achieve the desired at their own expense and adjusts to the correctness of actions. The downside - you need to sweat to achieve the desired result. January 22 - February 6. ANSUZ is a rune of gifts and deep thoughts. You are intellectually formed and can easily solve any issue. Intuition will not let you down. However, you can also feel its downside - becoming a cynical nihilist. February 7 - February 20. DAGAZ is a rune of shock. It gives you strength and energy to new accomplishments and reaching a new, higher level than you were before. Minus - not a minute of rest. February 21 - March 7. ALGIZ is a rune of the Gods. Helps to get the best out of the place or people where you operate. Nevertheless, it does not provide an opportunity to go beyond and engage in a new type of activity. March 8 - March 21. LAGUZ is a rune of intuition and water. Helps to avoid all the bad side, while showing solutions. The downside is that you lack confidence and perseverance in your own actions. March 22 - April 6. TURISAZ is a rune of rubbish cleaning, a hammer of the Scandinavian God Thor. You easily overcome all obstacles and get rid of unnecessary. At the same time, sometimes it makes you too cruel.